Data Enthusiast
Medium Github



Build Website Using Django

Web-Based Project

The idea of this website came when yasmin was doing Community Service (KKN-T) between July and August of 2020. The community service was done by partnering with the local district office (Kantor Kecamatan Ciracas), and then at the beginning of the program, one of the state officials said that she wished if Yasmin could make a software for centralized, integrated, mail management, system. Because as a government office they deal with a lot of official mail between other government offices.

Solving a Class Scheduling Problem using Genetic Algorithm


As scientists we were asked to solve a Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) to implement our knowledge as one of the steps in the learning process. Constraint Satisfaction Problems are problems that are defined as a set of objects whose state must be satisfied within the given limitation and constraints. In this opportunity the CSP that we choose is a class scheduling problem.

Original and Fake News Classification Model with the Tensorflow Framework and the Neural Network algorithm


With the principle of text mining , the author intends to conduct this research to create a model that can clarify real news and fake news. For development, we hope that this model can be used as a machine that can be used to detect fake news and then it can be accessed by everyone to clarify the truth of a story. So that people are getting smarter in choosing news to read.

Fetching API to give real time information about COVID-19

Web-based Project

This website is a simple website for fetching data from to see the cumulative amount of COVID-19 patient for individual country.